Our Discovery Library

  • Observation of the Golden Monkeys

    Golden Monkeys live in the bamboo forest of the Virunga volcanic mountains and you can observe them…
  • Discover Queen Elizabeth

    Queen Elizabeth National Park is understandably Uganda’s most popular tourist destination.
  • Discover Lake Mburo

    Lake Mburo National Park is the smallest of Uganda’s savannah national parks and it is home to over…
  • Discover Bwindi

    Bwindi was declared a UNESCO Natural World Heritage Site in 1994. It protects an estimated 400…
  • Discover Semliki

    Created in 1932 and upgraded to national park in 1993, Semuliki Forest Reserve is home to over 400…
  • Discover Akagera

    Gazetted in 1934, Akagera is one of oldest national parks in Africa. The park borders with Tanzania…
  • Discover Nyungwe Forest

    Nyungwe Forest NP was gazetted in  2004 to increase tourism activities beyond the mountain gorillas.
  • Rwanda Intore Dancers

    The "Intore", once the elite of the traditional Rwanda army (The Chosen Ones), were not only trained…
  • Iby'Iwacu Cultural Village

    Iby'Iwacu means "the way we do, our way of living". The village is located on the edge of Volcanoes…
  • Predators Tracking Mweya (Uganda)

    January 2019 : Suspected herdsmen killed a pride of 11 lions that included eight cubs near Hamukungu…
  • The Bwindi Gorilla Experience

    The entire world population of Mountain Gorillas is found in only 2 conservation area. The volcanic…
  • Wildlife Viewing

    East Africa hosts an incredible variety of habitats and wildlife. The conservation of these habitats…
And there is nothing more beautiful than the moment which precedes the trip, the moment when the horizon of tomorrow comes to visit us and tell us its promises
Milan Kundera
Czech writer