Explore Queen Elizabeth

Cape Buffalo grazing Queen Elizabeth NP

Queen Elizabeth NP is undoubtedly the most visited national park of Uganda. It has 2 sections: Mweya in the north and Ishasha in the south. On this short tour, you will visit both sections: Mweya known for its amazing boat cruise on the Kazinga Channel and Ishasha for its tree-climbing lions.

Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) is running a festive season price discount. From 1st December 2020 to 31st March 2021, the following discounts have been offered:

a) 50% discount on park entrance fee for Lake Mburo NP, Queen Elizabeth NP, Kidepo
Valley NP, Murchison Falls NP, Semuliki NP, Toro Semliki Wildlife Reserve, Katonga
Wildlife Reserve, Kabwoya Wildlife Reserve and Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve.
b) 50% discount on birding fees.
c) Reduction on gorilla and chimpanzee tracking fees for all visitors:

-    Gorilla permits reduced from USD 700 to USD 400
-    Chimpanzee permits reduced from USD 200 to USD 150

This reduction on gorilla and chimpanzee permits will only apply to new purchases between 1st December 2020 and 31st March 2021 and not on reschedules.




Discover Kampala and Entebbe
Discover Queen Elizabeth

Game Viewing
The Tree Climbing Lions

BUDGET (**): Bush Lodge. Enjojo Lodge, Lake Bunyonyi Overland Resort.

MIDRANGE (***): Ihamba Lakeside Safari Lodge, Ishasha Jungle Lodge, Bird Nest .

HIGH-END (****): Kyambura Gorge Lodge, Ishasha Wilderness Camp, Bird Nest (***).

More information on Uganda Recommended Accommodations

ROAD MAP (Estimates): 

Entebbe – Mweya: 495 km  (8h00 to 9h00)
Mweya – Ishasha: 105 km (3h00)
Ishasha – Lake Bunyonyi: 97 km (3h30)
Lake Bunyonyi – Entebbe: 412 km (8h00)

DOMESTIC FLIGHTS: Entebbe to Mweya and Kihihi (Ishasha) to Entebbe.

  • Itinerary
    Explore Queen Elizabeth

    Day 01: Transfer to Mweya via Kasese
    Day 02: Game drive & boat cruise on the Kazinga Channel
    Day 03: Transfer to Ishasha
    Day 04: Full day Game drives
    Day 05: Visit Lake Bunyonyi
    Day 06: Depart

  • Day 01
    Transfer to Mweya via Kasese

    Your driver-guide will pick you up from your accommodation early in the morning for the drive to Queen Elizabeth NP. Our first stop will be at the northern sector of the park. You will have a stop for a hot lunch in Fort Portal city and then you continue the drive via Kasese town. You will arrive in the park in the late afternoon and continue to your accommodation.

    Dinner & overnight at your accommodation.

  • Day 02
    Game drive & boat cruise on the Kazinga Channel

    You rise early and set off for a game drive. Early mornings offer the best view. You will take on of the well-maintained tracks as you search for leopards, lions, elephants, buffaloes, Uganda kobs, etc. At the mating ground, you have high chances of finding a big number of kobs as they graze and it is often than a pride of lions is not so far away as they hunt.

    You will return to your accommodation for a hot lunch and then you will take the launch trip on the Kazinga Channel – the boat cruise may be considered as one of the highlights of the safari. The boat cruise is extremely rewarding for viewing wildlife that comes to the banks of the channel for water. The shores of this channel draw a large number of wild animals, birds in addition to reptiles all through the year. The channel hosts a large population of hippos and Nile crocodiles.

    After the launch trip you have the option of relaxing at your accommodation or if you would like, your driver guide will take you for a late afternoon game drive! 

    Meals & Overnight at your accommodation

    White Pelican (Kazinga Channel)
    Sadle-billied Stork (Kazinga Channel)
    Grey Heron (Kazinga Channel)
    Hippo - Kazinga Channel - Queen Elizabeth - Uganda
    Hippo - Kazinga Channel - Queen Elizabeth - Uganda
  • Day 03
    Transfer to Ishasha

    Before you leave the Mweya sector, you may go for predator tracking. Only possible in Queen Elizabeth NP, this activity gets you as close as possible to the lions in their natural habitat. You will set off very early in the morning with the team from the Uganda Carnivore Program that is comprised of researchers and doctors. The lions have been fitted with radio collars and by the use if tracking devices, they can be tracked to their exact location. Find out more about the Uganda Predators Tracking Programme. By doing this activity, you are making your mark in conservation efforts. 

    You will then set off for Ishasha. You arrive at your accommodation and check-in.
    Later in the afternoon, you start your exploration of this part of the park in search of the tree-climbing lions. As you drive through, enjoy the huge populations of waterbucks, Uganda kobs, and the rich bird life.

    Meals & overnight at your accommodation

  • Day 04
    Full day game drives

    An early start in searching of game and birds. You will explore the park as you appreciate all that it has to offer. This early morning game drive is rewarding because that is when most of the hunting is taking place. If we are lucky, you will find a lion with a kill.

    Find out more about the tree climbing lions of Ishasha.

    You return to your accommodation for lunch and relaxation.

    As the sun gets overhead, we return for another game drive. This is the best time to observe the lions in the trees. As the ground gets hot, the lions climb the trees where it is cooler.

    Meals & overnight at your accommodation.

    Topi (Ishasha Queen Elizabeth)
    Cape Buffalo (Ishasha Queen Elizabeth)
    Male Uganda Kob (Ishasha Queen Elizabeth)
    Troupe of Elephants with young one's
    Elephant - Ishasha - Queen Elizabeth
  • Day 05
    Visit Lake Bunyonyi

    After breakfast, you will continue your journey to Lake Bunyonyi. The last few days have been fully of activity and you need time to cool off and just breath. Lake Bunyonyi will provide just that. The name Bunyonyi means little birds and you will find out that this name fits the place just right.

    You will arrive in the afternoon and check in to your accommodation. 
    You may opt to relax at your accommodation or take a swim in the lake. Alternativley , you take a hike around this area and enjoy the views or go on a canoe ride to the islands scattered on this lake. A walk around will introduce to so many beautiful birds that reside here.

    Meals & overnight at your accommodation

  • Day 05

    Afert an early breakfast, you drive back to Kampala or Entebbe. You will have photo opportunities at the equator. Your driver-guide will drop you off at the airport or at your accommodation in Kampala.

    We have you have enjoyed the views & sights of the south-western part of the Pearl!

    Malachite Kingfisher - Lake Bunyonyi
    Black-and-white Mannikin
    Black-headed Weaver

Your lifetime experience

This safari idea can be tailor-made to create a unique holiday for you. With our intimate knowledge of both Rwanda and Uganda, we look forward to designing and organizing a personalised and memorable holiday.

Contact us for a free quote

The Tour package includes: Airport transfers, accommodation, all meals, plenty of mineral water, the services of a driver-guide, all park and entry fees, all activities as per programme including: 1 boat excursion on Kazinga Channel and Lions tracking included.  

It Excludes: International airline ticket, the domestice flight Kisoro-Entebbe, beverages, tips, visas and personal expenses. 

What to bring with you? Money for your personal expenses, outfit with adapted colours for wildlife observation, good walking shoes, raingear, a few long-sleeve shirts, slippers, sweater for cool evenings, sun protection: hat, sunglasses, sun cream, video/photo camera, a 200 mm or longer telepholens is very usefull, reserve batteries, films and a torch.

Uganda Visa & Travel Requirments: Find out more.

And there is nothing more beautiful than the moment which precedes the trip, the moment when the horizon of tomorrow comes to visit us and tell us its promises
Milan Kundera
Czech writer